zondag 19 april 2009


Ineens hadden we wat bloesems, dus heb ik alvast wat geexperimenteerd met de bloemenkransen. Werkt prima, met dank aan Marieke voor de tip van het raffiastro.
  • Vlecht met 1/3 van een bundeltje raffia een krans, niet te stijf, want dan krijg je de bloemen er niet prettig tussen.
  • Meet de omtrek van de krans op het hoofd.
  • Bind de uiteinden bij elkaar met een stukje touw.
  • Vlecht de bloemen ertussendoor.
  • Klaar!


Yesterday we had our first day at the museum again, and it was wonderful. Wonderful weather, everything green and fresh and beautiful. We worked on various projects, chatted, explored the museum with the kids, made music and ate wonderful food made by Gerulf and Hilde.

Here are some pictures of a dish they found in the book Van Soeter Cokene by J.M. van Winter. The dish is from a german cookbook (I need to look up from when), and is called moriljes (a kind of mushroom). A dough is made with white bread and eggs, and then fried around a piece of wood to make a bowl. In the bowl goes a filling of eggs again, and finally the whole thing is dipped in a batter of eggs and fried again and served with mushrooms. All in all, the result tasted good, but had gotten a bit too greasy. Perhaps we will try it again, without the final step of frying it again in batter.