maandag 27 augustus 2007

Chicken pastries

I threw these together to bring to the event. They turned out unexpectedly well, so I tried to reconstruct what I did... They are not based on any specific recipe, but on my memory of medieval chicken pie recipes.

ingredients for 10 pastries
2 chicken thighs, fried and plucked
125 g bacon bits, fried
8 dates, chopped finely
3 tablespoons of grated cheese
pepper, ginger, cinnamon
1 small knob of butter per pastry
10 sheets of puff pastry

Mix the filling together, put 1/10th of the filling on each pastry, bake 25 minutes (following instructions on the pastry package).

1 opmerking:

Unknown zei

Da's leuk, maar komt er nog weer eens wat nieuws bij hier of hoe zit dat?