woensdag 13 juni 2007

Custard tartlets

Here's the recipe for the custard tarts I made for the vigil this weekend. They are based on the recipe in Terrence Scully's The early French kitchen.

1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
165 ml cream
40 to 50 one bite pastry shell

Mix the sugar and cream (if the cream is lukewarm it helps the sugar disolve), then beat in the egg. Fill the pastry shells and bake in a preheated oven for about 17 minutes.
The pastry shells are found in supermarkets here with the cans of stew etc.. They are used to serve things like shrimp salad in at parties. I've tried using premade puff pastry shells, but that didn't work because the custard mixture leaked through before it set. The alternative is to make your own pastry shell, but then it isn't quick and easy anymore...

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